Make a conscious difference by aligning yourself with a nationally renowned group of volunteers dedicated to aiding those in need globally.

To Get Involved with EWB-CPC Contact our membership chair!

Come to a Meeting: Our meetings are open to everyone, no membership required! Come to our next general chapter meeting and learn more about our chapter, our projects, and what we do.  The meetings are scheduled bi-monthly and are usually held in libraries local to the Hartford area.  Check the events link or the calendar for the next time and place.  We hope to see you there!

Link to chapter Calendar Page

Show Interest in a Project: Check out our “PROJECTS” link. We are always looking for people interested in helping whether it be through engineering experience, manpower, computer skills such as web design and graphics, presentation skills, fundraising skills, medical training, linguistic ability, or even if you just want to volunteer your time, meet new people, and be a part of the community.

Link to Current Project Page

Join Online: To become an official member, complete the EWB-USA Membership Form online.  You will be registered as an official member of EWB-USA and EWB-HPC.  Official membership is required to travel on a project.

Do I need to be an Engineer? No, not at all!  While there is engineering involved, these projects require skill sets from all walks of life. Cultural, linguistic, construction, organization, fundraising, medical, etc.  If you’re willing to help, we’re willing to welcome you!

What’s Next? Contact an officer, attend a general meeting, join our mailing list, and volunteer your time and experience!